Natural Beaded Rows Hair Extensions
Hair extensions are a common commodity these days, with almost a successful solution for increasing the length and volume of your hair. Gone are when people use all those chemicals and natural products to grow their hair length by a few centimeters. Nowadays, these treatments are available for many advanced types of hair problems like hair fall, dandruff, various scalp conditions, and many more. Multiple brands provide hair extensions, and only a few of them have an established reputation. One of such brands is NBR Extensions. This article will cover the essential details about NBR Extensions and why you should choose them.

What is NBR?
NBR defines the Natural Beaded Row extensions, like the standard beaded extensions sewed in with your hair. The unique factor is that these extensions give a natural look to your hair, and it becomes almost impossible to identify the extensions. The real benefit comes from the expert hairstylist who can complete the process with intricate details. The process looks simple and does not include any hair damaging factors like heat or glue.
The Process:
It is not important which type of extensions you are applying. The work will always be the same if you look for a long-term solution to short hair. Typically, this procedure takes about 4 to 5 hours minimum, and you should always go to a professional for such type of work. First, they will have to color your hair, shade the extensions’ hair and install them afterward. In the blow-drying the hair and finishing up. In other words, it might seem like an easy process, but it is not. Every step is essential and crucial.

Do the hair extensions hurt?
For the initial 1 or 2 days, there will be a little pain, and this is because you are not used to that amount of extra hair on your head. But afterward, it will be a smooth glide, and you will feel proud about the decision you made while purchasing NBR extensions.
Can You Try Different Hairstyles?
Everybody knows that hairstyles require a certain amount of hair and volume. Now, if you have the required length after applying for these hair extensions, you can freely try those hairstyles. You can also give these hair extensions various color treatments because natural hair makes up these NBR extensions.